Opening unique slavonic earth grill
Each Thursday at 5:00 p.m. we open unique slavonic earth grill. This feast take place at sun deck of hotel Cisar Ferdinand and You can be a part of it. This gril lis protected by patent and You can’t find grill like this in whole Czech republic. We have to make a fire for minimal three hours, so that bricks absorb the heat from fire. Than we take the porker, lie it on the grill and baste it with our beer. The porker is than Loir into the grill and lies there for minimal six hours. After it is finished it is taken out from the grill and served up. in kontrast with typical gril lit has one big advantage. After six hours the porker is completely done. The taste of this kind of meat is incomparable. You can also order the porker for Your company, group of friends or family. The price depend on the size of the porker. We will prepare it for You whenever You want.
Come to try and go upon our motto „Eat, as much as You can!“.
Price for person: from 725,- CZK (drinks extra)
Telephone orders: from 11.30 a.m. at +420 352 327 100